It’s the biggest stationary hackathon in Europe! We’re gathering together stationary in Tauron Arena in Kraków to work on tasks from our Partners and Open Tasks proposed by organizers.

28 - 29 SEPTEMBER 2024! Where? Same place, same great atmosphere! We are waiting for you in Tauron Arena, Kraków! It’s going to be awesome!

We believe HackYeah is for everyone.

  • You don’t know anything about programming? Come on in!
  • Are you a student? Join us!
  • If you are a specialist in your branch — you have to be here.
  • No matter if you’re an entry-level, a junior, mid, senior or an IT star. We invite all of you!

We are calling for fans of creative thinking, problem-solving, planning, idea implementing, leading and also of VR, AR, AI, IoT, Data Mining, Gamedev, Product Dev, Mobile, and specialists in programming languages: Java, C/C++, C#,.Net, Scala, Swift, Objective C, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, HTML5, SQL…

The only thing you need to have is an eagerness to create and work on the solution. Obviously, you can be a programmer, UXer, graphic designer, business developer or so but YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE ONE! Everyone is welcome at HackYeah!

  1. Book your place here
  2. Track tasks’ teasers here and choose the one you want to solve.
  3. Gather your team and come to Tauron Arena, Krakow on 28 September 2024. You don't have a team? Don't worry, check 'Teams' section below.
  4. See the details of your task, read the rules and... start your work! You have 24h.

If you have trouble with figuring out what to do – just contact our mentors  and ask for advice! 

  1. Once your project is done, upload it to the platform listed in the task rules.
  2. If you feel your project might win, work on a pitch presentation to present your idea to the Jury. 
  3. Wait for the finalists announcements and… win eternal fame and a nice prize!

  • The tasks during HackYeah will challenge you in every possible way, this is a great space for bonding and team development.
  • We expect great experts from various fields to take part in our event. You’ll have a chance to meet IT specialists, CEOs of big companies and NGO professionals.
  • HackYeah will be a perfect place for networking, no matter if you’re looking for a job, employee or partnership opportunity. 
  • The prizes are huge.

Jasne! Organizatorzy wydarzenia i uczestnicy będą komunikować się także po polsku, więc nie musisz się martwić.

Pamiętaj tylko, że prezentacja Twojego projektu (w niektórych przypadkach) będzie musiała zostać wygłoszona po angielsku. Koniecznie sprawdź zasady, jakie ustalił organizator danego zadania i, w razie potrzeby, upewnij się, że co najmniej jeden członek Twojego zespołu mówi po angielsku!


This year you can register for 29 PLN. 

There is only one type of ticket, which includes:
- access to the facility and all lectures (ticket for two days) 🎤
- all day coffee break ☕
- certificate of attendance (for those who ask for it) 📜
- possibility to talk to top-class speakers 🗣️
- contact with representatives of companies/networking 👥
- hot atmosphere 🔥

All ticket sales profit will go to a chosen Children's Home in Malopolska province to buy modern electronic equipment. We'll handle the purchase and delivery ourselves.

Tickets are available here.


The team should be 1 to 6 people, so you can go as a lone wolf or gather together with your friends!

You don’t need to declare your team prior to the event unless specified otherwise in particular task’s terms.

Read the requirements of the task you want to work on, if you agree with them, proceed. If you’re lost or not sure what to do, contact our mentors through our Discord channels and ask for advice!

No problem with that! You can work alone but…

If you want to form a team there are a few ways to find team members:

  • register to our Discord where’s a special channel for attendees looking to join or form a new team
  • talk to your friends or university buddies! Tell them about the cause, we’re sure they’ll join you!
  • you can find your team on site - HackYeah participants who do not have their own team will meet on Saturday, 9.30 AM in Chillout Zone.

Yes! Just make sure that your team leader mentioned you during uploading the project.

Sure, you can change your team as many times as you want. Just make sure to be a member of one when you upload the project, this is the final declaration of who is in your squad.

Yes! Your team leader adds the crew members during uploading the project – he just needs to type members’ name, surname and e-mail addressess. Then, as long as the system is open and works, the team leader can edit your crew members, which means that he can also add a new member. Only team leaders can do this.

Yes! As long as the system is open and works, the team leader can edit your crew members, which means that he can also remove someone. Only team leaders can do this.

Your team leader declares the name of a team while uploading the project - before that time you can change the name as many times as you want 🙂 

Remember! After uploading the project you can edit the project (i.e. project name, members, attachments) but not the team name!


There are 2 categories of them: Open Tasks and Partners Tasks.

Within Open Tasks, the direction in which you’ll go is completely up to you! We are not giving you many details on the tasks, you will need to decide how you understand and want to interpret it. The prize pool for each Open Task is 18 000 PLN.

Partners Tasks are more specific. Before you start looking for solutions, please read carefully the terms of Partners Task. They all have special requirements and regulations so make sure to study them before starting (here).

Feel free to talk to our Mentors and Partners on our Discord channels and ask them for advice. How about organizing a brainstorm with other HackYeah attendees?

Each of the tasks will have separate rules regarding evaluation. 

For the Open Tasks the judges will judge according to the following criteria:

  • Idea & Innovation - 30%
  • Relation to Category - 20%
  • Practical Applicability / Usability - 20%
  • Design - 20%
  • Completeness & Implementation Value - 10%

For the Partners’ tasks please read terms of the specific task.

Prizes within each tasks are listed in Tasks&Prizes section.

Sure thing! There are no limits – your team can solve as many tasks as you wish. Remember - you can submit only one project in each category (task!)

Each task has individual requirements and specifications, so it is really hard to create "one project to fit them all". Also, you have to remember about copyrights, as some tasks will require a transfer (for winners) and you cannot do it for two different tasks. So while technically possible, we strongly discourage submitting one project to more than one category.

You choose the task while submitting your project in ‘Category’ field so you don’t have to click anywhere before.

Upload your project to the platform required for each task. The majority of the tasks should be uploaded to Challenge Rocket, however, each Partner might choose their own platform. Check the task descriptions to learn where to upload your project. 

Finished early?

  • If you feel like your task might win, start thinking about your pitch presentation.
  • Start another task! There is no limit on how many you can fulfill!
  • You’re tired and don’t feel like doing anything? Chill a bit, visit partners booths, meet more people! This edition in Kraków will be awesome! 

No, if you don’t like what you came up with it is not mandatory to upload it. Yet we still encourage you to try as maybe the judges will see something in it that you don’t see!

It depends on the task.

Some Partners’ Tasks might require you to transfer the rights after you accept the prize. To make sure what the regulations are in your task, check the rules of it. You will find a link with regulations next to the task description.

You should upload it to the platform required by the terms of the task. Each of the Tasks may have different regulations, so check the rules in the Task&Prizes section.

The deadline is the deadline. You cannot bend it and cannot break it so better make sure everything is ready a few minutes earlier so you don't miss it

You can upload a project that is not finished on ChallengeRocket earlier and keep changing it later — this way you won’t miss the deadline.

If you make it to the Final, then yes. The jury chooses the best teams from each task and invites them to pitch their ideas one by one. Remember, only one member of the team will be presenting in front of the jury.

Once the jury board chooses the list of teams that qualified to the pitches, we will announce it on our Discord.

All participants receive details about all tasks only at the beginning of the event. If you wish to use any previously completed or external resources, tools, repositories etc. you must fairly cite or note that in your presentation, code etc.

You can use generally available external resources - both paid and free. Remember to fairly indicate it in your submission.
Keep in mind that using a paid asset will not give you an advantage when evaluating.


The deadline passes at 12 PM on Sunday. Sharp! But… don’t leave it for the last moment, the platform is rock solid but imagine a lot of people will try to upload their solutions all at once… It might lead to an accidental DDOS attack. 

Please remember, that you have to create your Discord account before uploading the project (Discord ID’s are required).

Prepare it in any program you want but ensure it may be displayed in any browser or saved as PDF.

Not all judges will have PowerPoint, Keynote, or whatever you use, but they can open PDF files or any browser.

Make it a short PDF file, it can be done in PowerPoint, keynote or anything else. Make sure to use any mock-ups, screenshots you have, describe your idea briefly but with all the details you believe are important, let it be an online pitch of your project.

It should be a short description (more of 3 paragraphs than 3 pages). Tell the judges what is the problem you are solving, how you want to solve it, how the project is supposed to work, don’t tell them the story of the world cause they won’t have time to read it all.

Do it in English, please! Some of the judges do not speak Polish, so they won’t be able to evaluate your project if you do it in Polish, unless the task partner prefers Polish – see task subpage.

Please put it all in one repository that can be checked out online (GitHub, Bitbucket, Gitlab, etc), if your code consists of a few modules (API, web, mobile) you can place them in separate folders.

Please make sure that you allow Judges the access to the repository. Your repository settings should allow us to review the content.

Add anything let the jury see the full picture of your project, e.q.: mock-ups, simulations, sketches, prototypes, screenshots etc.

In most cases - yes. 

But please read the rules of tasks that interest you because a task partner can choose another way to submit a project.

Each of the Tasks may have different regulations, so check the rules in the task section on the website.

The team leader should:

  1. Sign up [create A CANDIDATE ACCOUNT] and log in to challengerocket.pl
  2. Join HackYeah 2024 [TAKE THE CHALLENGE]
  3. Create a team by typing the team name and team members' e-mails in the form 
    NOTE: Provide a well-thought team name (it’s not editable)
  4. Click [ADD YOUR PROJECT] and fill in the submission form 
    NOTE: In the ‘Project description’ field, enter the names, surnames, and email addresses of all team members. You can edit your project until the deadline.

Basic Information

Category [MANDATORY]:
Choose the task you want your project to be uploaded to

Title of the project [MANDATORY]:
In English
No longer than 5 words

Project description

Description [MANDATORY]:
In this field, write your project description (in English, no more than 500 words).
This is also the place where you should enter the names, surnames, and emails of the team members.

Files and external links

Image gallery [MANDATORY]:
You can upload screenshots, prototype interface, etc. You have to upload at least one image to submit project

Presentation [MANDATORY]:
In English
In PDF or PDF + PPTX (Power Point)
No more than 10 slides

Either video of your project or team member explaining the project
No longer than 60 seconds
In English

Demo Link [OPTIONAL]:
Make sure to provide login information

Repository URL [OPTIONAL]:
Everything in one repository (if your project has different modules please put them in separate folders)
Available to view online

But please read rules of tasks that you are interested in because a task partner can require some things mentioned above (e.g. optional repository url) as mandatory.

Don’t hesitate to ask questions to organizers on our Discord channels. This is a space, where we come with all answers about Challenge Rocket. We will help you with pleasure 🙂


A mentor is a specialist in a specific field, whose task during a hackathon is to support a participant in working on a project by sharing his or her knowledge and experience and encouraging discussion among participants. Mentors can be representatives of the partner who authored the task or completely independent specialists.

In practice, the mentor answers questions asked by the participant, which can range from strictly technical ones related to, for example, the programming language, to substantive ones related to data published by the partner or the validity of the proposed solutions, to general, informal questions such as: "does this even make sense?" or related to the presentation of the idea itself.

The mentor's support consists of helping the participant refine the idea, and when the participant gets lost or "stuck" - guiding them on the right track.

Mentors' support is also appreciated when conducting team building. With a broader perspective, mentors often help participants assemble into teams equipped with the right skills and knowledge.

It's simple! Just fill out the application form
Point out your fields of specialization and strengths. describe how you can mentor our attendees. Let us know you! 🙂

Mentors always have a special space in the hackathon. In Tauron Arena Kraków you can meet a mentor on level 0, next to the main coding zone - it will be tagged as "Mentors Village" 🙂

Apart from the above, you can find mentors on Discord. Feel free to ask questions in the specific task channel or send them a direct message. Mentors have a "MENTOR |" prefix in their display names and are tagged by the green role "Mentor".

We don't require knowledge of the language at a certain level confirmed by a certificate. However, you need to remember that among the participants of HackYeah there are people of different nationalities and their percentage is growing every year. 

It may happen that you will be asked a question by an English-speaking participant - the most important thing is to be able to communicate with him/her 🙂


The conference takes place on Saturday (28 Sep) afternoon in Tauron Arena Kraków. Lecture rooms will be located on B level. We'll prepare signs so you won't miss it!

We focus on the OPEN TASKS topics: Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Education, Gamedev, Finance, and ​Wellness & Activities. Our Experts and Partners will also provide some technical lectures.

We won't record the lectures so remember to check the agenda, pick your favorite lectures, and be there with us live!

Send your proposition using the following application form: https://hackyeah.pl/become-a-speaker/

The application deadline is July 31st!


The justCTF 2024 Teaser and justCTF 2024 Finals are organized by the justCatTheFish team.

justCatTheFish is a Polish cybersecurity Capture The Flag team started in 2017. They scored 4th place in 2023 in the global CTFtime ranking. They participate in security competitions, publish write-ups on solved challenges, organize CTFs, take part in bug bounties (DrBrix, haqpl, gregxsunday) and represent Poland in Locked Shields and other competitions.

More info:

justCTF 2024 Teaser:

* Date: June 15, 2024 10:00 am CEST
* Form: Online
* Duration: 24 hours
* Teams: No limit of people
* Prizes: Reimbursement of travel expenses to the finals (and other surprises!)


justCTF 2024 Finals:

* Date: September 28, 2024 12:00 pm
* Form: Open finals, Tauron Arena Krakow, Poland
* Duration: 24 hours
* Teams: Maximum of 4 people
* Prizes: Attractive cash prizes
* Additional ranking for academic teams

justCTF 2024 Finals will be held as part of HackYeah on September 28-29, 2024 at Tauron Arena Krakow.
To participate, you will need a HackYeah ticket. During registration, choose the 'PARTICIPANT—justCTF Finals' ticket.

For more information: https://2024.justctf.team/

If you have any more questions feel free to contact us on Facebook, Twitter, DISCORD or email a proper staff member from the contact section on our website!